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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

I wrote this January of 2018 and it was right on target:

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

James 3:17-18 KJV

Every Repub and Liberaltarian should be outraged that the FBI and intelligence agencies were working with the DNC and the Clinton campaign to spy on the Trump campaign. This has been the greatest fear of every freedom loving American since J Edgar Hoover designed these agencies that it would spy on American citizens.
To have them corrupted to the point they would try to influence a free and fair presidential election is the greatest fear any true American could ever imagine.

There are few things which rise to the level of actual treason, but this is one of them. Whoever was the head of this operation should be put in front of a firing squad and made an example of. To compare this to Watergate is a farce since Nixon never used actual agencies and is really questionable anything illegal was actually done while this one has serious laws being broken with the intent of influencing a presidential campaign.

When this one was first exposed some of us were saying this was suspecting it was bigger than any of the fake news distorters were letting on. Now we are finding out there was a cabal formed similar to what you normally see in Nicaragua or Thailand inside the gummit to make sure a certain candidate would win. This cabal paid for the fake dossier saying Donald Trump as a private citizen visited Russia and paid hookers to pee on a bed because Obama had slept in it a couple years earlier. Never mind that President Trump is a germ-o-phobe or that he was not there at the time, the Russians were going to blackmail him for this and needed to be investigated further.

This dossier was then delivered to the FBI by John McCain to give it an heir of credibility even though the FBI and the Hillary campaign paid millions to have it produced. McCain was may have been part of the cabal or a dupe is questionable, although it is very likely not exactly innocent since he has a burning hatred for Trump who dared question his heroism. At this point you have broken laws with a campaign being helped by the FBI and government agencies and people need to be jailed, but then they take it to a whole different level which is beyond treason to a true democracy.

The dossier was then leaked to the press most likely through FBI director Comey. It was also being used by the cabal to issue a FISA warrant to be able to spy on the Trump campaign for being blackmailed by the Russians. Everyone except the judge knew this dossier was false and they lied to the judge into believing it was real and she issued warrants to tap some or all of the Trump campaign phones and then passed that information on to the White House and the Clinton campaign. It is very likely every phone and computer in the Trump campaign was tapped and all of that information was passed to Clinton to help her win the election.

For all those Social Justice Warriors, how fair is it to have the entire FBI, NSA and the rest of the Federal gummit trying to influence an election for Hillary Clinton? You are all bent out of shape because the Russians supposedly talked to the Trump campaign and put a few thousand posts on Facebook yet you have no problem with the entire Intelligence complex of the United States trying to determine the outcome of that same election? This is the largest abuse of power we have had in the histoir of America and someone needs to pay for it.

We understand the Establishmedia is so corrupt they have become irrelevant and that the DNC is rigged from top to bottom and that the District of Corruption is a swamp, but you cannot have the Justice Department taking sides to influence free and open elections. This is the same tactics which are used in the Soviet Union under Stalin or Cuba with Castro it is not supposed to occur in America. This is not pie in the sky rainbow glasses this is an absolute there is not supposed to be campaigning by the spy agencies since the advantages they have are obvious. In this case they were very likely passing on Trump strategies to the Clinton campaign and she was using them to damage Trump. She could and was passing things to the press and they dutifully used it to hurt his campaign. One such item was the Russian collusion story which was passed directly from the FBI to her although she also made up the dossier.

The fourth amendment in the Constitution gives every American the Right to Privacy from the gummit. This is not a suggestion or a possibility it is a guarantee and is supposed to be taken seriously by these agencies for them to exist without fear of American citizens. Because the Obama regime used communist tactics and broke down those walls either Obama ordered this or it was inferred to be ok to break these laws in the attempt to win a turd election to hide his criminal activities.

Whitewater was about breaking the Fourth Amendment and spying on a rival candidate by tapping their phones. It was not done by the FBI but campaign operatives who were most likely attempting to get an incriminating piece of information on Dean’s wife, but who knows. This is using the most sophisticated spying apparatus in the world to influence the outcome of the most powerful man in the world. For this heads should roll and is the biggest scandal this country has ever had.

There needs to be indictments on the principles who have obviously broken the law and work up the chain of command and find out who was at the top of it. We can guess it was Barak since it resembles his other abuses such as the IRS, but we have to give him the benefit of the doubt. The most important thing right now is to find out who is guilty of this treason and make an example of them. There is nothing worse morally than a dirty cop except a dirty FBI agent and that agent has to be made example to make sure this never happens again in America. Fifty years ago every one of these conspirators would have been given a fair trial and then offered a blindfold and cigarette in front of a pock-filled wall. These traitors deserve the same. Mr ex-President, what did you know and when did you know it?

Pray America woke

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 05/19/2019 4:27:51 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank you Rodguy for fishing tales and political perspectives from all angles, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.



Let me admit right now that I don’t understand tariffs. As my limited understanding is …a tariff is an extra charge put on good imported or exported. Generally that cost becomes part of the cost of goods sold and the consumer pays the tariff.

That’s pretty general and only half right I suppose but what I do know is that China agreed to a tariff arrangement with America and come the time to abide, they renege.

The Chinese….lying and stealing intellectual property is their way of life. The Chinese are fairly nice and industrious people but they are owned and operated by their government. And the government says to cheat, lie and steal intellectual property is okay.

So they do.

Stock market dropping over a thousand points past week.

I think the Chinese will cave.


Well we gave you Biden, thank us very much.

The Delaware legislature is at the orgasm of the fiscal year. Every year as the calendar runs up to the end of June and the end of the legislative year, the lights burn bright in Dover as sneaky legislature is enacted.

Here’s a review:


Senate Bill 82

Permit to Purchase Firearms

Sen. Laura Sturgeon, D-Sharpley

Replacing Senate Bill 69, this new bill makes changes to the language of the original. The revised proposal still seeks to create a system whereby Delawareans would need to obtain a "handgun qualified purchaser card" to purchase a handgun, or a "firearms qualified purchaser card" to buy rifles or shotguns. Obtaining the appropriate card would require applicants to complete a firearms training course, similar to what is required by Delaware's concealed carry permit law. The bill would also create a database of all firearm sales and transfers that would be accessible by law enforcement agencies and the court system. Individuals with concealed carry permits would be exempt from the bill's requirements.

STATUS: Discussed in the Senate Executive Committee this week, but not acted on.


NOT ACTED ON. Believe me the gun owners were out in force over this one. Because they will take our guns, they will record who gets one, they WILL TAKE AWAY OUR GUNS COME HELL OR HIGH WATER.

Maybe we’re safe for another year.


Senate Bill 70

Limiting Firearm Magazine Capacity

Sen. Dave Sokola, D-Newark

Also known as the Delaware Large Capacity Magazine Prohibition Act of 2019, this measure seeks to ban the sale and ownership of any firearms' magazines in Delaware with a capacity of more than 15 rounds of ammunition. Under the bill, possession of a large-capacity magazine would be a class B misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for any subsequent offense. The bill would establish a buyback program for non-conforming magazines, at $10 per magazine. STATUS: Discussed in the Senate Executive Committee this week, but not acted on.


Can’t have too much ammunition. Because if we can’t take your guns away, WE’LL TAKE AWAY YOUR AMMUNITION!!!


Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 68

Banning the Sale of Certain Semi-automatic Rifles, Shotguns, and Handguns

Sen. Bryan Townsend, D-Newark-Bear

Introduced yesterday (5/9), this measure replaces Senate Bill 68, removing the "voluntary certificate of possession process" that was in the original legislation. According to the sponsor, the new bill is similar to the forerunner "in all other respects." It continues to seek banning the sale of dozens of specific makes and models of semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns in Delaware, as well as weapons with a combination of certain attributes. Those features include: a folding stock; a grenade or flare launcher; a flash suppressor; and a pistol grip that "protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon."

STATUS: Pending action in the Senate Executive Committee.

Maybe if we can’t take all of your guns, WE’LL BAN THEM MODEL BY MODEL UNTIL WE GET THEM ALL!!


House Bill 140

Physician-assisted Suicide

Rep. Paul Baumbach, D-Newark

This bill seeks to create a process that would allow terminally ill Delawareans, with less than six months to live, to obtain and self-administer a lethal dose of medication. The patient's attending physician and a consulting physician would need to confirm eligibility and that he or she was capable of making an informed, rational decision. Individuals seeking this option would be required to be presented with all available alternatives including comfort care, hospice care, and pain control. Two waiting periods would be built into the process. The bill would not allow anyone to request the fatal dosage on behalf of another individual. The Medical Society of Delaware opposes the measure. As of that start of this year, only six states have enacted assisted-suicide laws (California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington). In Montana, the process is legal as the result of a court action.

STATUS: Discussed in the House Health & Human Development this week, but not acted on.




House Bill 130

Ban on Plastic Shopping Bags

State Rep. Gerald Brady, D-Wilmington West

This bill seeks to ban many Delaware retailers from distributing single-use plastic shopping bags. It would prohibit larger stores (at least 7,000 sq. ft.), and smaller stores with multiple locations, from issuing the bags starting in 2021. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, only three states -- California, New York, and Hawaii -- have banned single-use plastic shopping bags. STATUS: Released from the House Natural Resources Committee. Pending action in the House of Representatives.


If we can’t take your guns, WE’LL TAKE YOUR PLASTIC BAGS!!!!

I say use the damn things to empty your cat litter pan.


So there you have it, all proposed by Democrats, all to take away our rights, all to have gubmint control our lives. 5/15/19


His name is John Durham and as these things go he is acclaimed as wonderful, fabulous, handsome, glib and a wonderful attorney.

The politicos always say this when someone is appointed to investigate some issues for the gubmint.

I never heard of John Durham but then I don’t live in the swamp, never even visited the place.

BUT…..Comey and his band of merry federal police should be worried. You don’t go inserting yourself in Americans’ personal business, including presidential contenders, based on some stupid dossier. You don’t go inserting people in those campaigns to spy on them, to hope to cause them to lose the election, at the least, get rid of them even if the stupid people of America voted him in.


I can’t wait to see that arrogant Comey marched off to jail. He needs to stop writing books, granting interviews and acting like he knows all.

If I had one wish for this Durham guy….go after COMEY FIRST!

Get him the hell out of our lives!


First, based on all I’ve read about the Assistant Director of the FBI, Rod Rosenstein, I don’t know whether he is friend or enemy. One of the big rumors going on about Rosenstein is he was somehow involved in some cockamamie plan to wear a wire and record the president.

I am not convinced Rosenstein is all that innocent but I do believe the guy knows the jig is up and James Comey will be writing his books in jail.

I like that bit about “trampling bright lines that should never be crossed”. And allegedly it was Rosenstein who urged President Trump to fire Comey.

So Rosenstein is out and about and mocking Comey, which alone shows he has some good sense.

Rosenstein is no longer the deputy Attorney General, having resigned from the position recently.

Looks like he’s working on NOT going to jail.


She loves animals and took care of many in her later years. She had a song that will last forever…”Que Sera”. She was involved some way with Rock Hudson although it turns out that Rock got Aids and was not into women.

Here’s hoping Day is in heaven, right near Rainbow Bridge, where there are lots of dogs to join her through eternity.



I don’t know who this asshole Burr is except he’s from North Carolina and will betray for most any reason.

President Donald Trump’s eldest son will give private testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee in mid-June, as a result of a deal revealed on Tuesday.

Donald Trump Jr. will answer questions limited to five or six topics for up to four hours, reported Politico.

I just do not know why the White House and all those lawyers are allowing such a thing.


HERE Committee chair Richard Burr, the senior Republican senator from North Carolina, created tension with Trump’s allies after issuing a subpoena for the president’s son’s testimony, reported The New York Times. (RELATED: Montana’s Democratic Gov Steve Bullock Announces 2020 Run)

Trump Jr. had already volunteered to show up for interviews but failed to appear twice, Burr told other Republican senators last week according to The NYT.

Now Burr is accused of caving to Democrats who are trying to weaken the White House’s position.



Been hearing about attacks on Saudi buildings, boats and airplanes. Supposedly it’s the “Houthies” or some such, a non-intelligent terror group as they mostly are. A group supported mightily by Iran.

Iran….a country that needs to go. About once every ten years the people of Iran rise up in protest. Many of them are killed, America tries to help but it’s not on us to get involved deeply in other country’s internal issues.

Iran….used to be Persia. I used to date a Persian. Handsome, handsome dude. Wanted me to go live with him in Persia. Said I’d have to wear a hajib to meet his mother.

Me? Not gonna happen. But like I said, he was a handsome dude, loved his country.

Now it’s a swamp filled with nasty Mullahs supporting terrorists all over the world.



So she spends the rest of her life in jail.


Justice, it’s sweet.

A video of how she violently shoved this man to his death included at the link below.


HERE Police in Las Vegas have released shocking surveillance footage showing the moment a woman violently pushed an elderly passenger off a bus to his death as she now faces murder charges.

Serge Fournier was reportedly telling the unruly woman on the bus to be nicer to other passengers after she was heard cursing when he was shoved off the vehicle and landed head first on the sidewalk.

Video shows the 74-year-old being shoved down the steps of the public transit bus and smashing his face on the concrete ground.

In the CCTV clip taken from the bus' security cameras, a woman can be seen talking to Fournier as he walked past carrying a walker and heading towards the door.

Then as his back was turned she violently shoved him with both hands, sending the elderly man crashing down the steps.



It’s been a long time since Rudy Giuliani was Mayor of New York. Giuliani was a great mayor, greatly reducing crime, making Times Square fun again and most important, he was NY’s Mayor when those planes hit the towers.

Can you imagine that horrible Diblasio running things after September 11, 2001?

The man is not liked save by the illegal immigrants in NY and a couple of lefty buddies. In fact The NY Post points out:

“If you’re not laughing, then you don’t know Bill de Blasio like we know Bill de Blasio.”


I am a bit confused by Alabama’s new abortion law. Not that I don’t understand it. Abortion, save in any case where the life of the mother is in danger, is illegal for all examples.

The scuttlebutt is that the idea is that this law will be appealed up to the Supreme Court. With Gorsuch and Kavanaugh now on the court, it is hoped that the court will refuse to make the law illegal and return such as abortion decisions to the states.

Banning Roe vs. Wade, in other words.

I got mixed thoughts on this matter. Although I don’t suppose abortion will ever be banned in America. Some states might ban it but one wanting an abortion can likely go to another state where it’s legal and have an abortion.

That thought boggles the mind but it is argument against any debate that banning abortion takes away such an important decision for a woman.

Here’s what I know….Rush Limbaugh said that he knows some women want an abortion because of conception by rape or incest. And that is a situation that boggles the mind. I would not want to have a rapist’s baby.

BUT…like Rush says…the argument against abortion for rape is that it’s not the baby’s fault.

And it is not. Of course not.

Same with incest. A 14 year old girl made pregnant by her father…well it’s sad. But again, it’s not the baby’s fault.

All those so vehemently pro-choice have to do to change minds is find a 12 year old girl made pregnant by her own father. Bring her on CNN, interview her. Show her crying and expressing hate for those who are making bear her father’s baby.

Trust me. No one will say that it’s not the baby’s fault.

I think a female should be able to abort a baby up until three months along. None of this waiting until seven months to determine sex, than abort. Certainly a baby should not be killed AFTER birth as allowed in Virginia and New York. Maybe not Virginia but their Governor knows all about it.

Yes I think aborting a child after conception is murder. But for now, at this point, we can’t all of a sudden bring back back-alley abortions and deny women their choice. Let those who think it’s okay to abort to face their savior and get any consequences on judgment day.


President Trump gave a short montage of his ideas to change LEGAL immigration. He wants to eliminate something called the Flores 20 day rule, which limits the holding of children to 20 days then they what? Become citizens?

Trump wants merit based immigrants rather the large percentage of family in America as entrance.

Trump states that if he gets no action on this congress they will wait until 2020 when the Republicans take back the House, already have the Senate and, of course, the presidency.



It hasn’t been a busy news day and I’m bummed as I learned that Rush Limbaugh will be gone the first three days of next week.


So I thought I’d do a quick piece on a few of the current crop of Democrats who have thrown their hats in the ring to gain the Democrat nomination to run against President Trump.

I understand there’s about 23 of them at this point. I will comment on those that stand out to me as very obvious with their intentions.

-Buttigieg….this guy is running as a test to see if America is ready for a homosexual president, add another test is to see if America is ready for a president male married to another male.

No way will this guy win but he’s being financed by some homosexual lobby to see what the result of his run will be.

-Joe Biden….won't be too long, either his son's shame or something else will knock him down.

I believe Joe, against all odds, threw his name out there because this is his last chance. Guy’s been a senator for yay many years, VP for seven, and he’s done pretty much nothing. And his son, Hunter, is involved in some Ukraine scam, along with Joe, that will not remain secret. I said he wouldn’t run and I was wrong. I say he won’t get the Democratic nomination but at this point the Democrats are so desperate to get a more “normal” type they’re hoping Joe Biden, with his VP background, can carry the load and beat Trump.

Won’t happen. And Biden choosing Philadelphia as his base of operations has pissed off most of Delaware. Our tiny state has carried Biden to where he’s at but he needs Pennsylvania in order to win, the hell with small Delaware and its two electoral votes.

-Bernie Sanders….will never beat Trump, won’t get the nomination, is boring and has some skeletons in his closet.

--Bill DiBlasio….heh…nobody wants him. His town can’t stand the guy.

--Corey Booker….AKA Spartacus hopes to run on his being black and sneak in on President Obama’s coat tails.

--Kirsten Gillibrand….nope. Would be nobody if not for Chuck Schumer and changes positions depending on the weather.

--Beto O'Rourke…heh. We can see him shave and run and live the life of an average American.

--Elizabeth Warren….looking for VP slot, trust me.

That’s my assessment for now. Folks, I hope Biden gets the nod. He’s too gaffe-prone to carry it through.

6 posted on 05/19/2019 4:29:12 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: bray; All
Great stuff bud! Well developed and presented.
George Webb had most of it a year ago,seems FNC is a little bit behind.
John Bongino,(who knows Webb)who now lives at FNC he's on so much is acting like it's all breaking news when many of us knew how the company set all this up to protect zero and Hillary months ago.
It's been one of the drivebys biggest fears as well that they would get caught having omitted that the fisa warrant which supposedly gave legitimacy to everything was just one more fair tale made up by the usual suspects.

What's even more interesting is our new attorney Gen. Baar and what he's doing to further make the drivebys and former head intel and law enforcement heads explode!!
He's investigating it all!
They are about to go crazy as I confirmed over at the Millenium report.Below is a clip of what is going on with the Mockingbird drivebys lying their asses off and spinning like broken tops, truths into half truths and lies,its a great read.

Mainstream Media Mayhem as Deep State Freaks Out About Barr’s Investigation of the FBI
The following article is one many pre-emptive attacks by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media on Attorney General William Barr.

The Democrats are scared sh*tless at the prospect of their seditious conspiracy to overthrow President Trump being exposed by the new DoJ lead by Barr
SOTN Editor’s Note: What follows is an MSM article that reveals just how fearful the Democrats and their agents of Deep State have become. The degree of high anxiety at the FBI and sheer apprehension of the Democrat leadership is simply unprecedented in U.S. history. These people know they’re going to jail should their naked treason be brought to light by the DoJ. The author of this transparent propaganda piece — Deep State operative Frank Figliuzzi — makes statements that are so ridiculous it hurts from the laughing at them. These traitorous clowns really think they have the same influence that they enjoyed in the pre-2016 election cycle era. Sorry, Frank, but you just proved again why the media really is the enemy of the people, and an extremely dangerous and deceitful enemy at that.

Frank Figliuzzi: AG Barr’s FBI investigation, President Trump and the threat from within
By perpetuating Trump’s falsehoods about the FBI and Mueller’s report, Barr has become the kind of threat capable of doing severe harm.
And better yet its just beginning!Bring on the popcorn and diet coke!

39 posted on 05/19/2019 6:37:37 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: Alas Babylon!
This dossier was then delivered to the FBI by John McCain to give it an heir of credibility even though the FBI and the Hillary campaign paid millions to have it produced.

The FBI already had a copy (done in installments thru Dec 2016) in July delivered by Bruce Ohr. The surveillance of the Trump campaign probably began in 2015. According to her testimony, Nellie Ohr contacted Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) in December 2015 and was hired then to conduct research on Trump and Flynn. IMO the Obama administration was conducting illegal surveillance on Americans for political purposes since 2012. CTH provides some compelling evidence about the abuse of the the FISA-702 process. The review of the process conducted by Judge Collyer of the FISA court found that a review of November 1, 2015, to May 1, 2016, showed “eighty-five percent of those queries” were unlawful or “non compliant”. 85% !!

The dossier was then leaked to the press most likely through FBI director Comey. It was also being used by the cabal to issue a FISA warrant to be able to spy on the Trump campaign for being blackmailed by the Russians.

The dossier was leaked to the press by Steele in August/September 2016 and probably Baker at the same time to David Corn and Michael Isikoff. There are also indications that the NYT, WP, CNN, etc. had copies but they did not reveal them because they were not verified. Brennan briefed Harry Reid on the dossier in August 2016. The bottom line is that this was all orchestrated to make it seem that multiple sources had the information, but the reality was that it all came from the same source. Once Comey briefed Trump on January 6, 2017 in Trump Tower about only the salacious material (peeing on a bed by prostitutes), the cabal could then give the go ahead to the MSM to release the information. Clapper gave the green light to CNN. Buzzfeed had already published it.

For all those Social Justice Warriors, how fair is it to have the entire FBI, NSA and the rest of the Federal gummit trying to influence an election for Hillary Clinton?

It is much worse. Not only was the Trump campaign monitored thru the Carter Page FISA in October 2016 using the two hop rule, the monitoring of the Trump transition team and the Trump presidency continued until November 2017 using three renewals of the Page FISA. IMO the FISA warrant for Page was just a CYA for the prior monitoring that had taken place beginning in 2015. It is why they ignored the information from A/Secstate Kavalec that expressed skepticism of Steele's information. NB: Kavalec is no hero since she continued to work with Bruce Ohr after election day to gather damaging information on Trump. She is a career employee who was part of the resistance. Her nomination to be the Ambassador to Albania was pulled in March 2019. It had originally been submitted to the Senate for confirmation in July 2018.

The most important thing right now is to find out who is guilty of this treason and make an example of them. There is nothing worse morally than a dirty cop except a dirty FBI agent and that agent has to be made example to make sure this never happens again in America.

Couldn't agree more. This attempted coup involved hundreds of people, not just a few rotten apples at the top. You don't carry out such a wide-ranging surveillance program without many people being involved. Where were the whistle blowers? There needs to be an extensive house cleaning, but I doubt that will happen.

63 posted on 05/19/2019 7:55:55 AM PDT by kabar
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To: bray
laws are made for the useful idiots.

The ruling class (The Media, and their political arm, the DNC) are far above such nonsense.

It is by total denial and outright lies to one's self and those within hearing range, that the useful idiots of the left continue, and totally believe the charade.

83 posted on 05/19/2019 8:54:16 AM PDT by going hot (happiness is a momma deuce)
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To: Alas Babylon!
......a cabal formed similar to what you normally see in Nicaragua or Thailand make sure a certain candidate would win...

Forming a cabal IS within the democrat pattern. Democrats use the same talking points, reward their slugs in the press the same way, and punished those who work outside their rules...

A cabal to take out a duly elected President is a natural 'next step' for democrats - in keeping with who they are...

Republicans could never form a 'cabal' - - they can hardly work together as is...

97 posted on 05/19/2019 10:01:15 AM PDT by GOPJ ( MSNBC will NEVER do a town hall moderated by a conservative to to sway THEIR liberal audience.)
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