Unless the floorboards are creaking you dont have enough. The stuff keeps forever if properly stored.
Nobody ever finished a fire fight and said, “I should have had less ammo.”
Too much is when the ATF raids you.
I buy ammunition in bulk because it is much cheaper that way (generally about 1000 rounds per caliber at a time, but whatever the price point is), and use that until it is close to running out. Then I buy more. I’m a target shooter. It’s fun.
One word - California
A good place to buy ammo in bulk online is https://www.luckygunner.com/
Unless you’re a reloader, having lots of ammo is a necessity.
I’m betting on a EMP attack as the most likely scenario. It’s going to get hairy. Fast.
If this country goes into a civil war, there will never be enough of anything, ammo included.
Amateurs talk tactics and strategies.
Professionals talk logistics.
I buy components in bulk. I roll my own. High quality. Built with my particular toys in mind.
Buy it cheap, stack it deep.
In the 1990's, that was an initial investment (at Harrisburg, PA gun shows) of about $1200 (Including mags and other accessories)... Sort of like a "life assurance" policy...
It was also like a "strength-building" policy... Around 1994 I would wheel them out to the van on a cart, 2 or 3 at a time... By 1999 I would carry them out to the van two-at-a-time, one on each shoulder...
Now, at 85, I can only carry about 5 loaded 30-rnd mags...{:-(
They forgot practice.
I believed the 97% chance the bitch was going to win couldnt be completely wrong. I will never need to buy more ammo in my lifetime. My children and grandchildren should be good as well.
Limited by space.
Right at the top of that link is a place to become a Aguila Ammo distributor.
I know the whole state of Michigan is open, and someone could control a big territory by getting in on the ground floor.
If I was younger I’d do it in a heartbeat.
Also in the link is free shipping of 5,000+ rounds of 22 rimfire. Heck of a deal.
My ammo bills rival small nations.
At under $20 for 500 rounds of .22 LR at Walmart, keeping a cache of 5000 rounds isn’t a big investment. Of course, a prosecutor in a self-defense situation will point out that cache to the grand jury as evidence that the defendant was a trigger-happy racist looking for any excuse to shoot an innocent black man.
I can’t imagine trading any ammo, particularly in a SHTF scenario. I don’t want it heading back at me bullet first, nor do I want anyone to suspect I have excess.
Tell me where you bury it.
After the Zombie hoards get you I would really like to have at it.
I would also like to know what caliber.
(Of course)
I plan to spend the apocalypse searching for the one dude who wants to trade 15 year old Laphroaig for a case of .333 OKH.
Once youre past the medias definition of an arsenal, who cares?
Or before...