Democrats can press all the contempt charges they want. This is a political fishing expedition totally unrelated to any legitimate oversight functions.
Dick Neal can go fly a kite.
Actually, Neal has just set up a situation where AG Barr can take the subpoena to court based on the DOJ review of the predicate for asking for the tax documents. Along with that PDJT now has a reason to ask the court to quash the subpoena, setting up forcing the House to be specific on what legislative issue they are looking to propose based on the information in these documents. If the reason is to see if IRS is properly auditing a sitting president then they will need to explain why they need tax documents prior to his inauguration.
Also they will need to explain why they have not asked for Obama’s, Bush 43’s, Clinton’s and Bush 41’s tax returns during their presidency. Then, they will need to explain why they have not asked the IRS to provide testimony/reports on how the audit presidential tax returns.
Lastly, there are issues of presidential spouse’s privacy rights based on the returns having spouse income information.
I don’t see the courts, (eventually), buying this a legitimate and not a political ruse for OPPO research for 2020.