“”The fact that I was packing my bags for Afghanistan when he was filming season seven of ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’”
What was the name of that show? CELEBRITY Apprentice. Celebrity ... as in someone famous. How did Trump get famous? Trump has been famous for a long time because he is a successful businessman.
All Mayor Pete has done has run his city into the ground.
It would be interesting to see what he actually did in Afghanistan.
Trump was well known in New York for being a shamelessly successful real estate mogul
He is a patriot and he wants to clean out Washington like any of us would if we had the brains and the dollars to do it
Ive never seen celebrity apprentice but I know trump from being a New Yorker. I predict his attitudes and actions as president so well that I cannot believe others dont get him. Rush was not on board til recently. Hannity was. So was judge Jeanine and Eric bolling. Maybe its a New York thing.
B*ttplug is the mediocre mayor of South Bend, a very mediocre city with barely 100,000 residents. Besides being a fake Christian sodomite, B*ttplug has no experience or qualifications.
His elevation by the fake news media is just another sleazy attempt to delegitimize Biblical marriage.