Thanks for refreshing our collective memories on that issue, FRiend.
While acknowledging that Barr had a GOPe background, I reserved my opinion at the time.
Hope for the best — but prepare to be disappointed. Much as I admire our president, I am bewildered by some of his personnel choices.
Still, several commentators have pointed out that Trump’s business background inclines him to pick people for specific tasks. Once these tasks are accomplished, the people move on — voluntarily or otherwise.
Based on what we’ve seen so far, I would say AG Barr is coming to grips with the formidable task before him. He seems to be a patriot.
The big question will be whether Barr remains at the helm during the indictment phase that can’t begin soon enough. This will require a degree of ruthlessness that I’m not sure even Trump himself possesses.
“....This will require a degree of ruthlessness that Im not sure even Trump himself possesses ....”
Also needs three things! Two we may not get.
1. The House back! Otherwise it will be a continuing distraction. As a minimum a GOP-controlled House can sit back and do nothing, they can do that! They’re good at it. Its the one skill they have.
2. More federal judge-ships. (Only certainity!)
3. A 6-3 majority on the USSC (Need it to guarantee a 5-4!) because everything of any note will eventually come to the USSC.
This will require a degree of ruthlessness that Im not sure even Trump himself possesses.
I believe Trumpotus is absolutely vicious and will drive a John Deere tractor over his enemies - with cutter and shredder attachments.
Both directions.
They attacked him, attacked his reputation, collided with the media, attacked his children, etc.
They will pay.