Your whole comment was a gaslighting smear...”such nonsense” as you call the Old and the New testament. The posting was about Child trafficking and the horror of it and you stick in an anti-religious smear. Without spiritual morality and the belief in the supernatural, we would have no sense of child trafficking as even being “wrong”.
Or as Paul put it...”if there be no resurrection of the dead, then let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die.” Your citing of OT Patriarchs was a non sequitur to this thread. A lot of folk believe as you do but have gone a step further...they, drink, do drugs, rape children, steal and corrupt our government because they don’t believe in an overriding spiritual reality that will judge them for what they do. If not ruled by spiritual justice and love, society devolves to tooth and claw. Such an one can have no real belief in moral justice because one divorces one-self from believing in the transcendent powers of God from which such morality derives.
Behavior, for the atheist or agnostic becomes a matter of personal taste, deriving what pleasures and material belongings one can, after all the resurrection was just a fable...and life is short before the final dissolution into the inky black....(the pedos and sex traffickers certainly have discovered such “freedoms” already...the have taken the phrase “whatever floats your boat” to their personal ultimate extremes).
Religions regularly traffic children. The father gives the young girl to his friend or business associate as his "bride" -- money usually changes hands in one direction or the other -- and as long as a certain ceremony is performed, the act is given societal approval.
The Old Testament and modern day Islam are two examples of this time-honored practice. The women had little to no choice, there is and was no age limit to it, and once a girl was a "wife" she was the man's property. A belief in the supernatural is no stop to this. Indeed, most men come to the conclusion that God prefers it that way, that men are given dominion over women in order that they may continue these practices, and the custom continues apace.