"Intergenerational Love & Caring & Nurturing" (formerly called pedophilia / statutory rape) will be legalized soon, very soon ... within most of our lifetimes.
The dominos have been falling fast.
With one 5-4 vote, "The Kennedy Court" threw out every single "One-Man-One-Woman" Marriage law existing in 20+ US States.
Hollywood and the MSM and the Social Media Arbiters were waiting in the wings to jump on this one and cement the victory. Within no time at all, the vast majority of Americans who supported those now-trashed laws were all redefined as Hate-Filled Homophobic Bigots. Haters! Haters! Haters! Haters!
This has happened so fast that the MSM ("forgetting" that Obama himself publicly supported 1-M-1-W-M in 2008), are now breathlessly trumpeting the past histories of all Trump nominees who once upon a time made public statements favoring 1M1WM, as if some incredibly damning evidence of hate-filled bigotry has miraculously come to light regarding this nominee, who is now obviously disqualified from public service.
And the next domino was primed to fall immediately after. With head-spinning speed after that latest SCOTUS travesty, came The Trans Revolution.
Parents who didn't want to have "self-identifying-females" (fomerly known as Dirty Old Men) leering at their young daughters in public restrooms, were suddenly redefined from being "normal, protective parents" to being Hate-Filled Bigots as w ell.
And this time the ante was upped. To shout down any objectors, tney used the higher suicide rate of Trannies to justify relabeling formerly "normal parents" as Cold-Hearted "MURDERERS".
Soon, Hollywood will start the juggernaut rolling towards the next "liberation" movement - Intergenerational Love.
Several new dramatic movies will demonstrate how utterly ridiculous the statutory rape laws are. You'll have this picture-perfect teenage couple of adoring lovebirds, where the boyfriend is a month older than the girlfriend. The girl's cruel parents are against the match, and wait until the BF turns 18 and legally becomes an adult a few weeks before the GF does.
The parents, along with a typecast evil County Sheriff, are waiting to pounce on the perfect couple's next sexual tryst, arresting the BF for statutory rape. Next come the heartbreaking Romeo & Juliet suicides of both of them, and a call to arms by their friends to "do something about" these evil laws on the books that caused such a travesty.
The "Man-Boy-Love" version of this movie will have to wait for several more movies of the heterosexual type to pass by first, as the age gaps between male & female lovebirds gradually expand in each succeeding movie until the frogs-in-the-pan moviegoers get used to ever younger heroines. And mirror versions of older females w/ younger males will be churned out. ("Teacher-Student Ratio"?)
The first NAMBLA-sanctioned movie will be another double-suicide tearjerker. A 17-1/2 year old orphaned, unloved, homeless, abused boy will be stopped in the act of suicide by an older, loving, caring male, played by the biggest A-List actor Hollywood can convince to take the role.
He will be the first person in the boy's life to ever give a damn about him, pouring out his heart and his love to the boy in all ways possible, .... umm .... yes ... even THAT way. No overt homosexuality will be shown of course, but only hinted at. The boy will be seen to turn his life around in gobsmacking amazing ways on all fronts .... until that hateful, vile law is used by hateful, vile people as an excuse to destroy this wonderful relationship purely out of jealousy, because they themselves are too hateful to have loving relationships.
Imagine all the fun to be had later when all of history's pedophiles, whether famous or infamous or unknown, have their stories "re-visited" by journalists and historians, and are re-defined as "Victims of Hatred, Merely For Whom They Loved".
Judaism's Sexual Revolution- Dennis Prager
Why we are civilized and advanced.