A look at the Old Testament, the world of men having multiple wives, concubines, and slaves, even Godly men like King David and King Solomon, and Abraham, tells me that this is nonsense.
From old testament to New Testament though we see a gradual evolution from Patriarchs with many wives to Husbands who each were to love their own wife as Christ loved the church. Church leaders were to be husbands who were sober , having one wife, ect. Even your own attitudes toward positive faithfulness to one partner are shaped by a borrowing of Judeo-Christian ethic despite your often stated denials of the existence of the numinous divinity that undergirds such morality.
You do have such attitudes, otherwise you would not have attempted to negatively smear the OT Patriarchs. A concept of religious hypocrisy arises from a belief in numinous divinity, in this case the Logos made flesh. I laugh when avowed atheists cry hypocrisy(!) and hurl such invectives at Christians while they themselves lack a belief in anything. Hypocrisy is like the “N” word. Christians can use it in examining their own motives or to try to motivate others to “walk the talk” but it has no real power when those outside the faith try to wield it. You might as well be passing gas!(or you have a secret wish to be a Sunday school teacher...you have said that you have taught in public schools so you have part of it already).