I cant say whether the law was intended to cover gay or transgender folks, but as a philosophical matter there ought not be bias against these folks unless it would affect their ability to perform the job.
I dont believe in transgender. We should accept people the way they are and not encourage them to surgically switch to the opposite because it isnt even successful 50% of the time (contentment).
But no one should be discriminated against for hiring because of sexual orientation or how closely they appear to match their biological gender. If the job depends on one gender, that is different. I can discriminate on hiring help for mom by gender because she doesnt want a male nurse dressing or bathing her, for an example.
These behaviors violate the tenets of both scriptural Judaism and scriptural Christianity. If they are legalized with no exceptions, religions will be forced to hire their pastors and staff accordingly, even if it gave them mortal fear for their salvation.
This is wrong. It would be like forcing Kosher delis to prepare pork because pork-lovers would be offended otherwise.