Where were these teams of people? Are there no eye witnesses to the original spark if this happened at an active renovation site?
... and why couldn’t they nail the fire before it started burning the whole place down?
When does Shep go home to his boyfriend? His drama-queen wailing is getting too much to stand.
I don’t know what the water availability was inside the building, but it seemed to take an hour for the fire department to find a way to get their spray up to 300 feet. They finally ended up on top of parts of nearby buildings before they could start spraying effectively, or at least getting water on the fire. Frankly it didn’t look all that effective.
Having been in two fires in my life that got out of control, I can see how it can happen and once it gets the upper hand, you are SOL.
It is a frightening feeling to experience, that moment where you realize there is nothing you can do to stop it, and you are going to need help which is not immediately there.
It makes you feel pretty small.