they want to be rich like Kylie Jenner.
My daughter's basically got her head screwed on straight. She's a strong conservative, practically memorizes Ben Shapiro and Tomi Lahren videos, and is studying computer science and physics at a pretty prestigious college.
I've talked with her about it, telling her repeatedly to ignore the antics of Hollywood people who are famous for being famous. She says she understands, but she still spends a lot of time thinking about that class of internet entrepreneur, along with Zoella and Pewdiepie and Marzia and several of the famous gamers.
I guess she's not that different from me at that age; back in the mid-70s I was always hearing about this local band or that regional band that had made it big and were all millionaires (I played in bands semi-professionally when I was in college, made a good bit of money at it but not enough to really live on).
Anyway, we live thousands of miles away from LA and that scene. Imagine how young women out there feel. They're constantly bombarded with rumors about Kylie Jenner and the Kardashian kids, and goodness knows how many other pop tarts with their on-line footprints and their Lambos and their mansions. It must be intense.