Your off base here pal.
Have you ever been to Guerneville? I have, more than once. I say 10 busloads right in the middle of Womyns Week. I was there for that little shindig. Once.
That would be funny as hell, seeing hundreds of migrants pouring into their little celebration. Theres a very, very private club for the uber-rich just outside of town. Mrs. L used to cook for their soirées from time to time back in the day.
Believe me that bunch would **** tin Twinkies and get on the blower to Pelosi and demand she make it stop. Newsome would call out the California Guard in a heartbeat. It would be almost as rich as Wallace standing in that schoolhouse doorway.
Geurneville is a natural wonderland.
You don’t foul such an environment to make a political point.
Think of the animals, water and flora. THEY deserve protection.
Instead relocate most of the residents to San Francisco with the illegals.