We ran into this difficulty at a university where I used to work. The topic was distance learning, i.e. computerized courses with essentially no interaction (this was a long time ago when the technology didn't support that). The model we couldn't avoid was, "Here's the party line. Memorize it. Here's a test. Pass it. Here's a degree." Absolutely no one in the project wanted to reduce education to that model, but there it was, irreducible and unavoidable. That isn't education, and no progress in any of the pertinent fields is possible if the students and the professor are artificially bounded like that.
So no, a university can't really be turned into a padded playpen where nobody has his or her convictions challenged, all in the name of social comity which is unattainable for human beings anyway. Nor is it a place for therapy. If anyone's little feelings are that easily bruised, perhaps rocking in a fetal position in a darkened room is more appropriate than a classroom.
I could have sworn you told us that you were a Tail-Gunner on a Budweiser truck.