He’s still been suckered on how we “need workers” to build houses in Houston or wherever.
First of all if we actually enforced our laws and sent illegals home, we wouldn’t need any new houses (though those newly available would likely need some, er, sprucing up).
Second what are we about to do with all those unemployed felons we’re about to let out of prison early? Isn’t building houses about the perfect job for them?
And then not too far down the road, how about those millions of truck drivers who are supposedly about to lose their jobs? Aren’t they pretty good candidates for building houses as well?
Finally, what about tech, such as 3D printing? Shouldn’t we invest some capital to upgrade the value of each worker’s productivity and thus earned pay?
Okay, bonus? Lookie here—the average construction worker wage in Houston is all of $13.65/hr. I think it is time those hard-working fellas got a raise!
Simply let it be known that people on welfare now will have their benefits cut in half to help out the poor (illegal) immigrants and watch the tide turn.