Obviously, a war to suppress exiting nations can not keep the battlefield contained within those nations when even citizens within France, Belgium, and Germany oppose Brussels.
When the Fabian Society and the Frankfort School conceived this plan back in the period between the world wars mass air travel did not exist. Cheap telecommunications for the masses did not exist. Workers did not travel to and from the middle east in the hundreds of thousands every year while maintaining contact with their friends and families the entire time.
Yet the plan to indoctrinate the populace of the west is derailed by all the people who live and work there or who have done so in the past.
The best thinkers within socialism came and went decades ago. There has been no one who could revise the plan or even understand the need.
The European Union will collapse into war, just as Europe cyclically has for thousands of years.
“When the Fabian Society......”
Wait,what? Fabian had a society named after him? Really? I mean he was a really good looking guy but couldn’t sing worth a sh*t!
How do things like this happen. This rivals Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize!