This always reminds me of Ronnie James Dio in the song “Heaven and Hell” where he says “FOOL! FOOL!”
Because these people are all fools if they think that this would work out well in a time of Progressives, Socialism, Lawlessness, Rino’s, Godlessness, And on and on. A corrupt generation cannot improve on the work of one that was far less corrupt.
Bingo, bango, bongo, how right you are. It’s a fools errand to begin with. One has to accept the ridiculous idea that COS would have you believe, there is no possibility of anything going wrong in a day and age of Trannies, destruction of marriage, child sacrifice, one percent or less of the population ruling the conversation, a media owned by the democrat party or is it the other way around.
And State number 14 brought to u by the great state of UT. I have said it before, hope it holds true, they will never get to 34 States and one of the reasons is found in the body of the article. States do not make the call, Congress makes the call. COS in my opinion is not right especially at this point in our history.
“The only way, Nelson said, is invoking Article V of the Constitution, which allows two paths for amendments to the Constitution: through Congress, or through a special convention called by the states.” Wrong! One last point, you might also be a fool if you believe as COS believes, that the Constitution is the problem. It is and always has been we the people who are the problem.
We the progressive “people” through our State Governments ratified the 17th amendment taking away the reason for having Senators, formed a federal reserve, and began taxing residents of States without the permission of the States, oops looks like the States went along with that deception, and all in that historical year of 1913, but to reiterate, it’s the Constitution according to COS that is the problem needing the fix. BS