I’m not sure that if you’ve been told to violate the law that attorney-client privilege is still relevant.
It is not a violation for Trump to pay Stormy form his personal funds. And it also does not indicate guilt in the slightest. It means that a whore tried to blackmail him a few weeks before the 2016 election.
You are 10 days out and just barely survived the pussygate tape and the resulting GOP/Ryan/Preibus attempt to remove him from the ticket. Do you pay 100k to shut her up with an NDA legal agreement and let her pay her past due phone bill?
OR do you stand on principle and have her standing there with Hillary and Gloria Allred so she can pull a nose hair and make a fake tear that will dominate the media until election day.
It’s a no brainer. And nothing illegal about it unless you use campaign funds and do not declare it.