Selective breeding, travel to foreign lands for genetics, horticultural excellence, hybridization etc. Not to mention distribution, often at great personal cost.
Sleeping outside from late August through mid-October, no matter the weather.
And they're supposed to give it all away after 50 years of building it.
It’s just a microcosm of what they want with the entirety of Western Civilization.
She’s the gift that keeps on giving.
AOC is a nasty little bigot.
And white women botanists.
AOC is fabulous. I can’t wait to see all the damage she does to the Democrats during her first term! Keep talkin’, Lady, yer doin’ great!
Its OK to be racist if you are a person of color.
How utterly retarded these people are.
Well, maybe non-whites aren’t getting all the emails claiming that you too can make millions in the pot business.
Any reward for white people and their efforts is wrong. Dont let it happen.
There is no greater capitalist organization than a government. They can, and do, limit competition and raise prices (taxes) at will with out regard to whether their customer base can pay or not.
Example - potential Cali pot growers are all complaining about the State’s pot tax and licence practices to open a grow and distribute business. The State charges 40pct tax on pot sales.
The result? Free market capitalism. The black market is under pricing and better distributing black market pot vs legalised pot. The State is not seeing the legal pot sales and tax revenues they anticipated.
If a person is inclined to buy this stuff, go back to your local dealer. You will save money.
Outlaw possession of money for white people.
Outlaw possession of money for white people.
Yeah! Only her homies should profit!
Were does she come up with this crap? It’s like a dam broke and all the communist stuff comes flooding out of her mouth.
She’s been in Congress a couple of months - already cost NY appx 27 billion plus in future taxes, turned away at least 25k of high paying jobs, wants to shut down our commerce while totally destroying the USA by spending trillions to do so. She is beyond stupid and yet she shows no embarrassment at all about her complete misunderstanding of reality. This is really unbelievable!
That’s because we’re smarter than you and yours, dear.
And then she went home and f**ked her white boyfriend.
Now she’s just The Onion version of herself. Completely tedious & predictable.
Always the racism with this party.
She should get into the bi-partisan “green” business with former Speaker Boehner.