Comgress let him down for the past 2 years. the dems have sabataged his every effort for the past 2 years.
Ryan did all he could to stop Trump’s work.
The media have tried to destroy him for over 2 years.
His advisors are way too careful on how they perceive what needs or can be done.
All who have been in Washington have advised Trump on PAST knowledge and “how it’s done”... Throw it all to the wind.. and do what has to be done... this is not normal times. If Trump is the only one being careful... his work will go undone... left in the dust of dems and corrupt actions.
The President needs to go full force into shark infested waters and do what he has to do... the laws have already been nullified by obama and the dems and judges... we are in uncharted waters... it’s time to set precedent by doing what it takes to fix this mess.
Trump/DeVos or whoever is in charge of education should make kids video or game about foundational stuff - constitution etc and have it available in all schools. not forced on kids but available, for people of all ages.
Many people I know say they just don’t have time to read and look up things for themself so this could be an easy way to get more truth of constitution etc out there?
The truth is the government is on the side of the invaders.