“It was NOT intended for public consumption, and I meant to white it out before submitting it, but forgot to.”
uh, yeah. just like AOC claimed her GND outline was a “draft” not meant for public consumption and was “accidentally” published on her Congressional website (after first denying it was published there at all)/
It was NOT intended for public consumption, and I meant to white it out before submitting it, but forgot to.
uh, yeah. just like AOC claimed her GND outline was a draft not meant for public consumption and was accidentally published on her Congressional website (after first denying it was published there at all)/
Extreme hatred of President Trump, daily, leads to some liberal shooting them self in their foot or another part of their anatomy with their ill chosen words.
The next day, when the drugs and booze have worn off, they realize that they, all by own stupidity have made themselves another victim of the Trump curse.
They try to apologize and it is too late.
Advertisers, CEO’s and board members are waking up and realizing that it is very costly to PO 60+ million Trump Voters/Supporters.
The Trump Curse takes out the low life rat members and the elite rat members of the verbose Trump haters.