The apparent absence of partisan motive makes this accusation all the stinkier.
She gives an account of a violent sexual assault but told no one about it at the time, did not file a police report either. So no evidence exists that it happened.
The period of time during which she claims to have told other parties about it precisely coincides with the hoax against Kavanaugh, as well as precisely mirroring the Blasey-Ford tale.
In addition she’s also a professor at Stanford U, Behavioral Sciences Division, and retained the same lawyers. Amazing coincidence, don’t you think?
But the real clincher is that yes in fact she has a very specific political motive, due to what she does over there at Behavioral Sciences:
“Vanessa Tyson will use her fellowship year to research the politics and policies surrounding sexual violence against women and children in the United States. More specifically, she will explore political discourse surrounding sexual assault, corresponding policies, and the unique identities of sexual assault survivors, the description on the Stanford University Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences reads.”
And of course the charge is unfalsifiable, and indistinguishable from post-voluntary-encounter regret.
This stinks to high heaven as another hoax, no matter who is being accused.
Yes, but Democrats have a tendency to be rapey scumbags, so I believe her.
Violent ? I must have missed the part where she talked about violence in the letter.
Pehraps you can elucidate where the violence was for the rest of us.