Doncha know anything? First Immigrants are endowed with sacred dignity, in concert with the Great Spirit, and are at one with nature. Their elders even more so, and when they're beating an authentic drum, they're friggin' off the charts with unassailable coolness.
Facecriming MAGA hat-wearing whitey, on the other hand . . .
I got to tell you... made me laugh.
Indulge me again if you will....
....anybody, native American or not, come banging a drum in my face....well just thinking about it...just looking at that picture, infuriates me.
I know, I just know I would take that damn drum, throw it on the ground, stomp on it. Bur first I’d bang the damn thing in his rotten-toothed-headed ears for five or ten minutes.
I am not as good or noble a person as that kid.
someday he’s gonna be President.