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The sun, not CO2, drives Earths climate, says Dr Roger Higgs, long-time consultant geologist and sedimentologist.
Higgs bases his statement on four vital points:
Global warming and cooling are driven by the sun, specifically by the solar-sourced Interplanetary Magnetic Field, which regulates incoming cosmic rays, which in turn govern cloudiness and thus global temperature (the breathtakingly elegant Svensmark Theory).
Global temperature oscillations lag 25 years behind the causative solar magnetic fluctuations. This 25-year lag is due to ocean thermal inertia in remarkable agreement with the 15-20-year time lag estimated by Abdussamatov et al. 2012).
The idea that CO2 is the main climate driver, despite its scarcity in Earths atmosphere, ie 400 parts per million, near plant-starvation level, contrasts starkly with CO2s 1,000 to 4,000 ppm levels for most of the last 600 million years.
Earth is now cooling. Global warming ended in 2016: proof that the sun, not CO2, drives Earths climate. Moreover, from AD500 to 1200, CO2 levels were anti-correlated with Earths temperature.
The reality is that mans industrialization just happened to occur in a period of solar-driven warming, a mere coincidence, causing governments to needlessly spend trillions of taxpayer dollars on CO2-reduction efforts, says Dr Higgs.
See entire paper, with several graphs:
Whenever I hear someone talk about CO2 high in our atmosphere I ask them if they know what a tree line is and why it is. When they give me a dumb look I ask them if a balloon filled with CO2 would float or drop.