“My sister has a Land Rover, its a freakin tank..good cars..!”
Too many ‘sisters’ in N. California know that their Land Rovers, Audi Suvs, Lexus Suvs and Acura Suvs are like freaking tanks.
So, they tailgate, pass when they shouldn’t and never drive at or under the speed limit. They may be more dangerous than teenagers or a new illegal without a legal driver’s license, who can’t read any road signs in English.
My Navigators have all been like tanks. More power to FMC for building them that way.
Just to irritate you a little more, my 2018 Navigator has a 450 h.p. engine, weighs about 6,000 lb., and will do 0 to 60 in about 6.5 sec. A mean beast.