The Donald is playing Chimp and Nasty just as masterfully as Itzhak Perlman plays his Stradivarius ...
Swamp draining 101.
Post of the Day!
Is tomorrow day 30?
The savings from their perks will pay for a giant wall and then some.
Zero-based budgeting.
Make each one of them show their value-added or see-ya.
I enjoy that guy more and more with every day that goes by ... !!!
Roughly 800,000 federal employees could be permanently removed under this plan, with an annual savings of roughly $80 billion in salaries alone. Including the pensions; the government vehicles; and the rented office space, furniture, and equipment, it could be $150 billion.
150B. That’s 30X Wall money!
Happy Days Are Hear Again...
You mean he’s not listening to the fatuous nincompoop, GW Bush? Why, Bush was out last night making certain the press got photos of him giving pizza to his unpaid Secret Service contingent and criticizing Trump for the shutdown - he never said a word of criticism of Obama in eight years, Clinton was his “brother” and he didn’t support the nominee of his own party. Instead, I expected him to be looking for nonexistant WMDs and yelling about “they could hit San Francisco or sumpin’ along the West Coast if we don’t invade Iraq”.
Trumps speech is today, Day 29. Bet that the RIF is part of this.
Not sure where the It will take another 30 days to implement the plan comes from, but an immediate layoff kills the leverage.
The extra 30 days also allows time to weed out the hundreds of bad and lazy SES - so make them all reapply. Even if Nancy gives in on the Wall, Trump still has time to fire the known anti-Trumpers.
800,000 be still my heart.
Fire them all! Now!
There’s a good bit of unrealistic, wishful thinking in that article.
How anyone on the right side of dial doesn’t get behind this man is beyond me.
Oh,that’s right they have a hidden agenda.
But, but, but...
Then there would be fewer people to screw us over and fewer well paid incompetents to not do the work.
They should pay the 800,000 federal employees. But have them stand guard on our southern border until they’re RIFed!
Near as I can tell, the federal workforce is a little over 2,000,000. Of that, the Senior Executive Service numbers approximately 8,000. And the number of nonessential federal employees on furlough is approximately 800,000.
I suspect that Senior Executive Service members are essential employees and not furloughed. But they and the 800,000 who are furloughed appear to both be subject to RIF action required to commence on day 30.
At any rate, the Senior Executive Service is just 1% the size of those federal employees on furlough. Completely removing those incumbents is not possible. And even doing so would not be the massive savings touted by the article.
However, wounding the Deep State could be done by reducing the number of Senior Executive Service positions through RIF. And significant savings are possible by eliminating federal labor force positions through RIF. It just won't be the amount implied.