I think that 70 years after WW II we should be able to depart from NATO.
(a)The passage of time with different world threats today, (b) the fact that the other NATO countries want us to provide most of their defense with us paying the cost, and (c) having an increasing strident mohammedan country (Turkey) in NATO that we might be called to defend, makes me inclined to agree with Trump on this.
Too true. The landscape has changed.
Imagine if the Yellow Vests in France stop protesting and start taking charge. The French police and Military are considered by an increasingly panicked Macron to be unreliable, and he gets help from the Werma..I mean Bundeswehr to put the deplorables down. What the Blue Helmet is our NATO obligation at that point?
That’s unlikely, but what about when Muslim France has nukes? IIRC, simple math makes this one we have to deal with at some point.