Bring all our military and human resources home from around the world, putting an end to senseless, endless, and expensive NeoCon wet dreams. Stop the illegal invasion cold and get rid of all the illegals here now. Adopt the widespread use of Thorium energy.
One only needs do ONE thing to make ^, and more, self-correct: uphold and adhere to the Constitution.
Return to Constitutional $$ and an elimination of the welfare state would do that and more
As for Thorium/energy, Fedzilla need only get back to its rightful size (and out of our way/lives otherwise) should be left to the states.
“Regulate”: ‘to make regular’...not ‘to control’
“As for Thorium/energy, Fedzilla need only get back to its rightful size (and out of our way/lives otherwise) should be left to the states.”
I didn’t mean the Feds control Thorium energy, just that they should get out of the way so we can adopt it. Actually, it is the Pentagon who put the clamps on Thorium development decades ago. The reason? It doesn’t produce weapons-grade plutonium.
You know how the NeoCon nutjobs have to have perpetual war.