1 posted on
12/22/2018 7:38:21 AM PST by
To: george76
Pinkos doing what Pinkos do.
“It’s for the children”
2 posted on
12/22/2018 7:40:42 AM PST by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: george76
Soundslike like a Democratic Crime Syndicate dream.
3 posted on
12/22/2018 7:43:05 AM PST by
To: george76
“Generating hate”. Imagine if that were a chargeable offense here!
4 posted on
12/22/2018 7:43:14 AM PST by
To: george76
Poor old Ortega. I remember when he was just a young Stalinist. Kind of like now.
Be a pity if a Miskito Indian with a grudge got him with an inconvenient arrow.
To: george76
7 posted on
12/22/2018 8:16:25 AM PST by
To: george76
Exactly what Democrats would do if they could.
8 posted on
12/22/2018 8:27:13 AM PST by
To: george76
Let’s see how upset our media gets about this - considering that the newspaper was fighting the ‘progressive’ government there. Expecting crickets.
9 posted on
12/22/2018 8:50:12 AM PST by
(I eat at McDonald's and shop at Walmart - I just don't tell anyone.)
To: george76
Ah. The socialistic government responds to criticism by shutting it down. Onward oh progressive worker bees. Forward toward 1984 we go together.
10 posted on
12/22/2018 9:48:02 AM PST by
(The user name is sarcastic. Although at times it may not appear that way.)
To: george76
This gives the Nicaraguan illegals
a just cause for their asylum claims.
11 posted on
12/22/2018 12:06:36 PM PST by
(Eat More Moose)
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