70% of OD’s are from Heroin/Fenatayl laced.
3.9% of recent Suicides are from Intractable Pain Patients, this figure is UP.
Meth is the #1 OD drug.
This Marine Col committed suicide in the VA parking lot sitting on his medical records. DENIED adequate pain medication.
IF you use the words CHRONIC PAIN you use the WRONG word. It is INTRACTABLE PAIN IP IS A MEDICAL DISEASE! GOOGLE the meaning. OPIOIDS are Prescriptions meds authorized by Doctors at the right level. ILLICIT DRUGS IS the CORRECT WORD for ILLEGAL DRUGS.
I’m a INTRACTABLE PAIN PATIENT. I’m 70 my health was DESTROYED by FDA APPROVED Drugs for Osteoarthritis, Spine destroyed by the Cortisone, Predisone, and Steroid shots. Those OA drugs Destroyed my Gastro Tract, it paralyzed my colon. Damaged my teeth, Vision, and 2 botched surgeries damaged my Dominate hand, and took half my hearing so I now have to wear hearing aids. I’ve had more trips to the ER for A-Fib due to the damage to my heart that these CRAP FDA APPROVED drugs caused to boot. I’m now having the remaining 11 lower teeth removed for a denture, damaged by FDA approved drugs. The Dentist won’t do the uppers as I have no teeth missing but Wisdom. They hurt, burn, the gums are receded, they are shifted in the jaw and need braces after the grafts, cost to fix over $200,000. And that does NOT include the 4 Molar implants I’d need. I opted for a lower denture which has cost about $5,000 now as they had to be pulled in stages and bone spurs removed. Been a 4 month process. Will be Feb before I see the lower denture as gums have to heal.
The CDC Quietly Admits It Screwed Up Counting Opioid Pills
CATO CDC Researchers State Overdose Death Rates From Prescription Opioids Are Inaccurately High