Our so-called allies are only allies as long as they need us. Time for the US to take care of our real national security interests and stop sending our people to fight other nations’ wars.
“Our so-called allies are only allies as long as they need us. Time for the US to take care of our real national security interests and stop sending our people to fight other nations wars.” [Pining_4_TX, post 62]
Insisting that “We won’t support any other nation until they come up to our moral standards” is in essence an excuse to avoid doing anything: both ends of the political spectrum in the USA have “moral standards” that nobody in the real world could ever meet. It’s also an attitude of mind-bending condescension.
It also ignores the cautionary principle that it’s smarter to deal with a problem before it gets impossibly large, or imprudently close. Or both.
All of it rests on the notion that we can fence everyone else out. It’s false; in an isolationist sense, all we would really be doing is fencing ourselves in (None of which should be taken to mean I’m against border security for this nation, or any other. On the contrary, I deem the security measures contemplated by the Trump administration and supported by other conservatives to be much too weak).