OF COURSE those burning/destroying property not theirs are leftists and Muslim imports.
Paris police said there were at least 100,000 involved. They also said there were 1,500 who were engaged in property destruction. Yeah, that’s a lot and far too many. Every sane person wants each of them to pay heavy penalty for destructive acts in this beautiful city.
But what were the other 98,500 people doing there but demanding an end to $5/gal diesel prices, half of which is TAXES, to pay for shitty roads, “green” initiatives and the “general fund”.
Just because a BUNCH of SJW/Commie/Muslim anarchists showed up to burn/deface the city...does not mean the vast majority of the protestors were negated.
Many/most want their country back. And immigration is the underlying but invisible theme that has driven this rage in them.
They just cannot say so in France.
You loose control of any protest as well as whatever message when you or it’s taken to violence and destruction. THAT is what negates their cause.
We were there almost a hundred years ago... with 42% tax...our politicians, in order to keep the population quiet, made it illegal for gas stations to post the amount of taxes on fuel.