Understand that all laws must have penalties associated with them; otherwise, they simply are not enforceable.
We are not governed by opinion. We are governed by laws. It is extremely important that the Bill of Rights governs only the government and not We The People.
All of them? In one instance I quoted the US Constitution itself and in another the United States Code, the latter of which admittedly may or may not be validated by the Founding documents but should be in accord with the US Constitution.
It is extremely important that the Bill of Rights governs only the government and not We The People.
Ignoring everything between the first and lasts sentence, I point out that I did not address one way or the other whether or not the Bill of Rights governs only the government and not We The People. I wrote, quoting you in part:
I disagree that the Bill of Rights is only a set of rules which were supposed to prevent the (Federal) government from passing certain classes of laws. The Bill of Rights is a statement of Rights, some of which predate and do not depend on it for their existence and some of which are granted by it. The intent of stating them is to prevent the Federal Government from passing certain classes of laws, but they are not just a set of rules. (Emphasis added.)