My friends who smoke pot are conservatives who own businesses and vacation homes.
If we are to ban anything that could be addictive and/or bad for the health then we will have to ban:
Alcohol, tobacco, butter, sugar, chocolate, coffee, marbled steaks, especially cooked on a grill, some would say our firearms, cars, real fireplace fires, salt, bread, rice, pasta, ad nauseam. Oh, and that dang GMO corn. Try to claw the Fritos out of my hands!
There is genuine withdrawal from coffee and cigarettes. Have not observed withdrawal with pot. Lack of steak with butter and salt cooked over charcoal would drive me nuts. Many cannot give up huge consumption of carbohydrates. There was a study years ago that overconsumption of tofu for those not raised with it caused sponginess in the brain.
How nanny state do we want to be?
And believe it or not, I don't have a horse in the legal versus illegal pot race.
I smoke pot. But I've always bought it without a medical marijuana card or living in a locale where it's legal to buy.
I get my pot like I always have since college. I buy it from someone who sells it.
Not from a store or a dispensary or a vape shop. But from a guy who knows a guy, who knows a guy. It's readily available.
So it doesn't matter to me whether pot is legal or not. I've gone 50 years without it being legal. Nothing will change for me.