Evil prefers another form of evil over goodness every single time. Dark people prefer additional darkness over light.
Oprah isn’t a Christian. She is a Scientologist, or at best “spiritual”, but she is not a Christian.
It is amusing to see that certain protected classes steeped in their own moral superiority now find themselves jilted by the ever-changing posturing of the social justice warriors. Gay white males find themselves cursed for being white and male, lesbians for insisting that they really don't want their dates to have penises, and lately the victim feminists have been the recipients:
Eastern Michigan University canceled its production of The Vagina Monologues because not all women have vaginas. The production has been deemed to lack diversity and inclusion
Well, it always did - recall that men are forbidden to attend - but that wasn't a problem until that sort of stricture applied to the formerly favored. Now it's a problem, but not for those of us who remain exiled into the ideological wilderness. We're still not welcome, and the enclosure of the enlightened and anointed is shrinking daily.
New exiles - again, victim feminists are a perfect example - are unlikely to make common cause with the rest of us because they generally are neither smart nor honest enough. Other feminists have already done so - Camille Paglia and Catherine Hoff Sommers come to mind - and were rewarded for their intellectual acumen by being promptly exiled as well. What will happen to these little tribes of the permanently disaffected when it becomes apparent that they'll never be allowed back inside? We're about to find out.
The reason liberal propaganda works in America is because liberals WANT to be believe the lies.