In fact, the place where Plymouth, Mass was built, was once the Algonquin town of Patuxent. When the Pilgrims arrived the town was abandoned. Not a soul for miles. They all died of some plague or diseases; no one knows what exactly.
William Brewster thought it a sign from God that they should settle there, by land alreasdy cleared for farming (and they were of course—too far North by 100+ miles).
As it turned out, Patuxet was the home town of an Indian named Squanto, who was abducted by the Spanish 10 years before, and taken to Spain as a slave, he escaped, and with help by Spanish and then English monks, settled in England, learned English, and was finally given a “ride” home, only to hear how ALL his people were killed, but the town now had new English settlers living there. Squanto, now a Christian, also saw this as a sign from God, and went to Plymouth to help them in any way he could (we learned in grade school that he taught them to put a dead fish under every corn seed they planted).
It really was an amazing, serendipitous thing!
How could they be illegal aliens when the USA was not formed yet?