Its simple: in natural & regular forest fires the green vegetation mostly survive and the dry/dead one burn. Regularity leads to limited intensity of fires. This worked for thousands of years.
Disastrous and massive forest fires started simultaneously with the start of forest management.
Let the nature to manage the nature.
It did and it does work. But nature needs a helping hand starting the necessary fires. Otherwise there will be bad luck (no lightning) and fuel will build up too much. Also logging has its place including private ownership and supervised leasing of federal lands. Nearer to the towns they need to do more grazing. If they clearcut they will have to replant and manage (e.g. mow) that area for a decade or so until the trees are tall enough to withstand low intensity fire.
There are a lot of reasonble ideas for managing forests that will work. But California used none of them. Instead they neglected their forests. Furthermore they tied the hands of federal land managers with air quality laws forcing federal land managers to extinguish natural fires that should have been left alone. CARB iand the Butte county AQ board have blood on their hands. Everything they say now is just a distraction. In their zeal to limit PM 2.5 for "health" reasons, they killed 100 people or more.