The moronic voters of Maryland actually voted overwhelmingly in favor of SAME DAY VOTER REGISTRATION.
The people here are absolutely stupid.
He’s right. As it turns they can get away with a hell of a lot. So far a Govenor, 2 Senate saets God knows how many House Seats. Good chance they will steal 2 more Govenors and another Senator. No election a Rat has stolen has ever been undone. Trump is doomed if they don’t wake up.
Year after year, change after change, the demodummies have been testing and getting by with underhanded elections which turn out in their candidates favor. There has been positive evidence that what ever election results turn out to be close, they manage to come up with the adequate amount of votes to get their candidate across the finish line. I cry “FOUL” as the odds of a demodummie candidate winning EVERY TIME is highly unlikely, yet, the come out on top. The voting system is definitely broken! Scrap the entire process, create all new UNIVERSAL RULES so that every election process, in every state is exactly the same. Eliminate all the “loophole” votes. Simply have the same rules for every person that votes. Maybe THEN, an honest and fair outcome will surface... . Make it harder, if not impossible for any party to cheat... Yes, I am dreaming but believe me it CAN BE DONE!