“Why assume Mueller witch hunt is a bad thing?”
Because it’s not a ‘witch hunt’, it’s a COUP under the guise of law. A coup brought to us by jeff sessions, RR and the deep-state.
The special counsels reason for being is 3 fold:
1) Embroil the Trump administration with indictments-scandals with the ultimate goal of toppling(impeachment-resignation)
2) Use the SC to bury the mountain of high crime evidence against Hillary & the Omuslim regime.
3) Show the people what happens if you want to go to work for the Trump administration...Youll be crucified by the propaganda press and indicted by a soviet-style special counsel. Your house raided in the dark of the night by the goose-steppers of the FBI.
What’s the harm? /bonghit /oxy /3 brain cells
“A coup brought to us by jeff sessions, RR and the deep-state.”
Notice how everything changed when Sessions was fired? /s