She was an A10 pilot. That is a close air support plane, not a dogfight plane.... I don’t take anything away from a warthog pilot at all, I know I sure don’t want to be flying low and slow in close combat support, exposed to everything from small arms, rocket fired, and lord knows what else. However, I don’t think the skill set to fly the A10, is the same as what one would think of for a plane designed around air to air combat at all. This is a slow flying, rugged, beast of a plane, it can certainly rain down death from above, but it sure isn’t likely to win too many dog fights.
The very fact that she did not fight the clearly corrupt process that seated Enema is reason enough to never, ever appoint her to anything.
OK, she was an A10 close air support pilot.
How “good” a pilot was she? Heck, McCain was an ace! He got shot down in, crashed, burned up, ejected from, or destroyed FIVE enemy (er, USN) planes.