Posted on 11/13/2018 6:23:12 AM PST by Kid Shelleen
A new app wants to help get the word out to vote in the upcoming midterm elections but there's one feature that could feel a little invasive. The app, called Vote With Me, provides helpful information about the elections taking place in your district, lets you know whether a race is tight, and shows you how to prepare for Election Day. But the app also pulls your voter registration and voting record, and that same information from anyone in your phone's contacts, ---SNIP--- Vote With Me is providing a window into your friends', family's, and coworkers' voting habits,
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Former Obama White House staffers wanted more people to vote -- so they created an app
It does NOT show WHO you voted for!!!
Marxist Maxine water’s said that Obama was building a database for the Democrats that would surprise the public with how detailed it was I just want to know did our taxpayer dollars for this democrat get out the vote effort?
All right. It doesn’t show who you voted for. But I can still see the potential for abuse...
Democrat knock and drag efforts have now gone digital. Time was they would send frogs to your house four times a day knocking on election day and insisting on knowing why you won’t go to the poll
ASSuming this app only works with people on one’s friend’s list, it’s all the more reason to be extremely careful of who you choose to be on that list. I’ve seen some of my FB friends pages spoofed. I’ve also got warnings by some friends their pages were messed with. And even a few of those warnings were bogus.
Party affiliation and whether you vote or not - this is public information, or this app wouldn’t have access to it. I’d say party affiliation and voting participation should no longer be on the public record - the security-through-obscurity approach to political affiliations used to work. It doesn’t any longer, now that no public info can ever be obscure. Anyone at Google or any other place of employment could use this to screen potential job candidates for party affiliation - the potential for blatant political discrimination is vast.
In open primary states, I’m sure it will show whether you pulled a Republican or Democrat ballot in the primary for the last few/several cycles.
Were I to get a message from a friend from an app like this....we wouldn’t be friends any longer !!!
They would be shown the door with a swift and solid kick to the ass.
Obama’s IRS illegally leaked the names of private donors to California’s popular vote approved Prop 8 and it got the founder/CEO of Mozilla-Firefox fired, which should put anyone who voted for it (which was the majority of Californians) on notice that it could be used for grounds for termination or refusal to hire.
If you voted, and your party registration.
I looked up my information here in California and needed to input my DL#, birthday and SS#. All it told me was if I were registered, my party affiliation, precinct location and what elections I had voted in.
Anytime progressives are behind a “get out the vote” scheme I am suspicious.
“””It only shows party affiliation and whether you voted or not.”””
The political parties and the PAC’s have been using that data for years.
Similar information is also available here
Anyone who uses this application is a certified idiot.
Much ado about nothing, IMHO.
Here in North Carolina, I can go on and look up any of my friends, my co-workers, or myself.
My own entry has a voter history back to 1988 when I first registered to vote. I have NEVER missed voting, even on relatively minor issues like bond referendums.
“I looked up my information here in California and needed to input my DL#, birthday and SS#.”
That’s enough for someone to open up a line of credit isn’t it?
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