1. Governor Moonbeam
2. Don’t get rid of his policies
3. Re-elect Governor Moonbeam
4. See #2
Moonbeam is just a symptom of a much bigger problem.
If liberal took their ideals to a state without all the natural resources and instead had the economy of said, Arkansas, the collapse of the government would have been much, much sooner.
But because they have the ports, silicon valley and the natural beauty, the rot was overlooked.
But it has gone for too long and it’s collapse is eminent. It’s a matter of “when’ “not if”
The number ONE reason California is unsustainable is the population is 40 percent WELFARE MORONS, 40 percent SOCIALIST ILLEGAL ALIENS, 10 percent SOCIALIST MILLION AND BILLION AIRS, and only 10 percent NORMAL PEOPLE.
I know, I live here.