They’ve infiltrated much of the gov’t branches and US Military, continue to infest and when their “go”orders come - and they will - they’ve weakened everything they touch, we’ll be a relatively weak adversary at first, but then regroup and deal brutally with the subhuman filth. I hope.
It’s hard to have backbone as a nation when Cultural Marxists and other 5th Columns are steadily busy sawing at the foundations of the civilization.
Though they present a far more dire threat (and will be from where the actual Antichrist emerges I’m persuaded) I will at least give the Muslims this much: they are advocates of a sort of civilization whereas the Cultural Marxist are only capable of advancing national and cultural suicide by innumerable paper cuts (IOW “by lawyer”) and self inflicted wounds ... and of course things like murdering our own posterity while bringing in people who will ultimately turn against us all. So Islam is BAD ... but Cultural Marxism is WORSE.
Without the latter we’d be in no danger from the former, in fact.
Islam is an existential threat largely from without and would only have ever been without Leftist.
Progressivism has become the existential threat from within, just like was intended of Cultural Marxist.