To: Hugh the Scot
Someone intentionally assaulted a police officer with a motor vehicle and fled the scene. Very likely, the intent was to kill the police officer. If not, the would be cop killer would have stayed at the scene.
To: Blue House Sue
Assault =/= “Attempted Murder
Security Guard =/= Police Officer
Your hyperbole is noted, and dispensed with.
8 posted on
11/05/2018 1:05:54 PM PST by
Hugh the Scot
(I won`t be wronged. I won`t be insulted. I won`t be laid a hand on. - John Bernard Books)
To: Blue House Sue
"Someone intentionally assaulted a police officer with a motor vehicle and fled the scene." You showed marvelous patience when dealing with that nitwit...
22 posted on
11/05/2018 1:37:27 PM PST by
(Where is another agitator for republicanism like Sam Adams when we need him?) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson