I think the farce the rats made of the Kavanaugh nomination put him and millions of decent, law-abiding Democrats on demexit.
“I think the farce the rats made of the Kavanaugh nomination put him and millions of decent, law-abiding Democrats on demexit.”
Even though it ended well, and is a month or two behind us, my wife and I have been having nightmarish flashbacks of the grief and torment the Democrats put that poor innocent man through. It is an experience we will never forget.
My wife and I have known the true nature of the Democrat Party for fifty years and didn’t need a public demonstration of their selfish partisanship, shameless deceit, and reckless cruelty.
But I imagine there were many, many people, regardless of party affiliation or political slant, who saw that spectacle and were outright shocked.
We may see a bit of it Tuesday, as the Democrats do far worse than historical midterm expectations for an opposition party. But I think it will be the gift that keeps on giving - they have really done some lasting damage to themselves by behaving the way they did during the Kavanaugh hearings.
Believe it or not, I think this is all Trump’s doing. He seems to be able to play the Left like a fiddle. He takes a very public and uncompromising position on an issue that he knows will trigger the Left. The Left, consumed with anger and hate toward Trump, pushes back hard with the exact opposite rhetoric, which is EXACTLY what Trump was counting on.
In so doing, Trump has forced (tempted?) the Left into taking unpopular positions on issues, time and time again.
He’s doing it right now with the border - by sending Troops to the border, he has duped Obama et al into making jokes about his harmless the caravans are - mocking Trump for fighting a bunch of women and children a thousand miles away. But the American people do not think these “caravans” are harmless.
He has the Left openly campaigning to raise taxes! He has the Left openly campaigning to be more provacotive with Russia. They seem unable to resist campaigning for whatever is the exact opposite of Trump’s policies - which have been successful!
He literally has manuevered them into campaigning on a platform of failure.