This isn’t going to cost Republicans the house.
By the time the election rolls around in 11 days the news cycle will have eaten this thing up.
And only die hard leftys are going to blame Republicans in their district for a right wing nut job that wound up not being able to hurt a single person.
The democrats (and CNN/MSNBC) are going to overplay their hand like they do everything else.
“The democrats (and CNN/MSNBC) are going to overplay their hand like they do everything else.”
Exactly right. In fact, they have already overplayed it:
The Left has already accused Trump of being another Adolf Hitler, of saying he wanted to have sex with his own daughter, of being a Russian spy, and of inciting his fans to violence. These lies and many more have been repeated hundreds of times.
Republicans have all been called racists, and accused of throwing granny off the cliff. There is an audio tape of Trump saying that when you are a rich celebrity, women let you grab them by the pu$$y. A Supreme Court nominee got publicly slandered by the MSM and leading Democrats over fake sex allegations for weeks - just because he was nominated by a Republican President.
If Trump and other Republicans have survived all of that, and yet are still poised to stage a historic upset, retaining the majority in the Senate and possibly even the House -
How much worse can the current bomb hoax make things for Republicans?
I think the public is totally saturated with all of this anti Trump hate. People who buy this kind of crap aren’t going to change their minds and vote for Republicans - but people who DON’T buy it are not going to suddenly be swayed either.
The point is, this bomb thing changes nothing - it’s just one more reason for Trump haters to hate Trump - but to Trump supporters it’s just one more dishonest smear in a long list of dishonest smears.