I saw lots of Trump stickers on the left side windows of the van: a presidential seal and a bunch of other pictures that look like Trump. And on the back, a few American flag stickers. It all looks a little too conveniently overtly conservative to me. That, or a lone wacko conservative... but, if thats the case and it was actually someone with intent to get these lefties, why wouldnt he detonate the bombs?
That’s the problem with these frame jobs. They go over the top. Too many stickers. In fact, they’re not stickers at all but posters taped to the window glass. How would it even be legal to drive around like that?
It's not legal, not in FL anyway:
316.2004 Obstruction to drivers view or driving mechanism.
(1) No person shall drive a vehicle when it is so loaded, or when there are in the front seat such a number of persons, as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle or as to interfere with the drivers control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle.
(2)(a) No passenger in a vehicle shall ride in such position as to interfere with the drivers view ahead or to the sides or with the drivers control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle. (b) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, side wings, or side or rear windows of such vehicle which materially obstructs, obscures, or impairs the drivers clear view of the highway or any intersecting highway