Watch and see: It’s going to turn out to be a Bernie supporter.
probably, but it’s just the latest installment in a snowballing narrative that includes the relentless caravan approaching the US border, the obviously fake racist message left for Gillum (SO fake it only had a 24-hour shelf-life before it was dropped out of pre-emptive embarrassment at it being discovered), and now, this spate of bomb devices sent exclusively to the very same”enemies” Trump has been naming for 2 years,including a Media outlet called CNN It makes no sense at all that the devices could have been sent byTrump supporters-—ONLY forces that want to drop a big bomb on Trump and all Repubs running in the upcoming election-—that’s ALL these 3 things are about. But the idea that Trump created this climate will linger right on into and through voting day.And bno one will remember that just last week HRC made her widely-seen statement that now is NOT the time for civility, though today she’s notably lamenting the lack of it, in an act of abject hypocrisy and double-talk.Biggest question is, will the real perpetrators of this hoax EVER be revealed, and how seriously is the crime being investigated??