Don’t think they will I remember the left (if I remember correctly) sinking a GOP lady in Maryland because she one time attended something about witches
Delaware, not Maryland.
Now just a cotton pickin’ minit here. Let’s be fair. Maryland is a backwater. They didn’t even secede from the Union in 1861, they’re such bumpkins. Racists, of course. Why else would anyone own slaves. So naturally, they would be prejudiced against someone just because they were educated at Hogwarts, an ivy league institution. West Virginia, however, is a bastion of liberality. They not only seceded from the Union in 1861, but they seceded from Virginia and rejoined the Union again, and still kept slaves, proving their racism. So therefore, they are very tolerant there of Conjuro-Americans, and don’t hold a woman’s coven affiliation against her. Hold on. Did my brain just jump the tracks? Of course not. Vote for the witch or you’re a religious bigot. Right? Right.