Still trying to understand what the military can do to stop this alien invasion at the border.
Miles of razor wire?
The military is not trained for a border confrontation like this.
I’m trusting the President on this.
yea, it must be stopped or expect a country called mexico to be the USA..sorry, time to face the law, wire at border, same as aberdeen proving ground, rows of fencing with clear kill zones designated, all who enter confined space will be shot.. big sign, if you try to enter illegally we are authorized to shoot..come in legally, wait your turn, no problemo sa..
Sure they are. Every military base has a fenced perimeter, and I suspect that all troops have "sentry-go" training. How much training is needed to halt someone and put zip-ties around their wrists???
Of course there are plans to defeat an invasion.
Many years ago we practiced defending Germany annually (Reforger).
Immediate surveillance,infiltration and psyops. Interdiction of supplies. Identify leaders and cause their arrest (already happening). Determine the probable routes and prepare interdiction and control devices- ditches, barbed wire funnels. Meet at the attack points with huge numbers of armed soldiers/ICE /Border patrol/. Separate women and children from men. Tear gas and the stink spray as necessary.
Undoubtedly well under way.
We can seal the border. No Mexican truckers going north. No American tourist dollars going south. Tell Mexico we will completely collapse their economy unless they do something effective about that caravan.
Then watch the news footage of the Mexican Army machine-gunning the caravan.