Drop fliers telling the caravan that if they get into the US they will get no food. housing or medical. If we keep them off of every government program they will leave. Tell them the only money they get from us is a plane ticket home.
Also tell Mexico if the caravan keeps coming we will stop all money coming from the US to Mexico. Since it is the 2nd largest part of their economy they cant do without it.
I don’t agree with giving them airfare home. They walked here, they can walk their asses back to their sh!tholes. Sorry for the language but they revulse and disgust me with their boldness, ignoring the fact that they are not wanted.
No way should they be allowed to benefit from the millions of our ancestors who have put their lives on the line so that our country be better. We have a long history of incredible people who stood up against evil, so that their descendants could have a better life. These lazy sorry people don’t want to put out any effort to bettering their own country but just want to steal from us and bring our country down to the filthy gutter that they have enjoyed rolling in for all these years.